SharePoint 2013 vs. 2010 – Part 3 – WCM

​WCM is SharePoint 2013 has had a major upgrade and facelift from 2010. CMSWIRE has labeled WCM in 2013 as a great evolution and will be the top CMS product in the market. Here are some of the new and enhance features:

New features

Enhanced features

  1.  Site Navigation Taxonomy: Site Navigation is managed by the taxonomy, giving it few great new features:

    1. Cleaner URL
    2. Multilingual URL
    3. Automatic generation of “term-driven” page
  2. Account Management: New feature to take advantage of the cloud App Store, Survey, e-Commerce transaction, Weather, companion apps, etc…
  3. SEO Support: Out of the box elements for SEO while we had to customize it in 2010.
  4. Cross Site Publishing and Catalog: You can publish the same page to multiple websites/site collections for content re-use.
  5. Category Pages: Category pages are page layouts that are used for displaying structured content such as catalog data. You can use category pages when you want to aggregate content that meets certain criteria or parameters.
  6. Refiners and faceted navigation: By using faceted navigation, you can configure different refiners for different terms in a term set. For example, in an Internet business scenario in which a product catalog is displayed, you can set the managed property Screen size as refiner for the term Computer, and the managed property Megapixels as refiner for the term Cameras. The faceted navigation guides users to content that are relevant for each specific category, and makes it easier and faster to browse through catalog content.
  7. Content by Search Web Part: You can now have content roll-up/content aggregation by using the search technologies. This is huge for performance and for dynamic web content management.
  8. Flexibility on branding: Now in 2013, you can design and brand the web site with any tools such as Dreamweaver or other popular design products, and apply it straight to SharePoint. To brand a SharePoint site, designers just create a site design as they typically would, by implementing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; then upload to SharePoint.
  9. Image Renditions: Image renditions let you display different sized versions of an image on different pages. This can be done from content authoring and no need for a designer.
  10. Video content type: A new video content type is added, and the video upload process is improved for content authors. Thumbnail preview images are created automatically when a video is uploaded to an asset library, and content authors can choose a frame from the video and use that as the thumbnail preview image.
  11. Script web part: new web part allowing authors to embed script or to stream videos from outside SharePoint such as YouTube.
  12. Mobile Device Optimization Usage Analytics: built-in and extendable to work with traditional web analytics tools.
  13. Translation Service: built-in translation service with workflow for multilingual sites.
  14. Variations: Enhanced process to support multilingual sites.
  15. Content authoring: Copying and pasting from word is a lot better; the new WYSIWYG will correct the code to make it HTML 5 compliant.


  • Thursday, February 07, 2013 By : Mike Maadarani    0 comment